Sharing the blooming vision
91.170 abonnees

On 26 & 27 September 2017 the Magento ecosystem will gather in Brussels! On these 2 days we'll organise a contribution day, a Belgian evening, business and technical tracks and a lovely network evening! If you're working with Magento, interested in Magento, you have absolutely no reason to not show up! And... you'll taste some awesome Belgian beer and fries!! Mmmmmm...

"Fysieke winkels zullen niet van de kaart worden geveegd. Ze gaan altijd een aanvulling van webshops blijven"

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Meet Magento

On 26 & 27 September 2017 the Magento ecosystem will gather in Brussels! On these 2 days we'll organise a contribution day, a Belgian evening, business and technical tracks and a lovely network evening! If you're working with Magento, interested in Magento, you have absolutely no reason to not show up! And... you'll taste some awesome Belgian beer and fries!! Mmmmmm...